“I am the way, the truth, and the life.” João 14:6

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(12) 3892-1499

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We use cookies and other similar technologies to enhance your experience on our services, personalize advertisements, and recommend content of your interest. By using our services, you agree to the monitoring described in our Privacy Policy.


This document transparently outlines the current Privacy Policy (“Policy”) that governs which data and information will be obtained, the purposes, and how they will be processed on our website at www.pronave.com.br and within the operations of the Pronave Group.

1.1 Commitment to Your Privacy

The Pronave Group is dedicated to protecting your privacy. Below are some principles guiding this Policy:

All collection and processing of personal data will be carried out in accordance with this Privacy Policy and to fulfill the specified purposes.

The collected data will not be transferred, sold, rented, or disclosed differently than indicated in this Policy.

We will collect the minimum amount of data necessary—only those required to fulfill the purposes described here.

When personal data is no longer necessary, and there is no legal obligation to retain it, it will be deleted, destroyed, or anonymized.

1.2 Personal data is processed under the following legal bases:

Consent: We use consent to legitimize the processing of personal data in processes where the data subject can choose whether or not to perform a specific procedure or service.

Compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation: We use this legal basis to comply with legal or regulatory requirements applicable to individuals and civil or business entities.

Proposals for service provision or contracts: For processes related to service provision.

Legitimate interest: To support services that are in the interest of our clients or to carry out promotional activities for the Pronave Group.”


2.1 On the Pronave Website

If you are a user of the Pronave Group website: Full name, email, phone, mobile, and other data that you voluntarily provide when contacting us through our customer service channels (whether by phone, email, or the contact forms available on our website) to ask questions, submit resumes, download content, give compliments, provide feedback, or make suggestions. By clicking the ‘Accept’ button or checking the ‘I have read and accept the Privacy Policy’ box, you declare that you have read and agree to all these provisions.

2.2 In Pronave Operations

The personal data collected in Pronave Group operations predominantly aim to comply with legal or regulatory obligations by the data controller.

Professional Information: Business phone, business email, and business mobile.

2.3 Purpose of Data Collection and Processing

The collected data is processed for the following purposes:

To grant access to our services or contact you to respond to your request.

Understand the expectations, desires, and interests of users to improve our services and products and even create new products and services.

For the development and improvement of our communication methods, website services, and functionalities.
Analysis of visitor navigation on the Pronave Group website.
Identification of business opportunities.
Specific studies of customer interest.
Compliance with current applicable legislation and response to regulatory body demands.
Sending invitations, surveys, and various communications.

Visitor registration.
Sending content to our current and potential customers, offering services, initiatives, and benefits through email marketing platforms or other communications.
If we ever intend to use your personal data for a purpose not described here, we will seek your consent before proceeding, unless it is to fulfill a legal obligation or meet our legitimate interests, such as conducting internal investigations, preventing fraud, and other illegal activities in our system.


3.1 Cookies

A cookie is a small text file containing a unique identification tag that is stored by a website’s browser. This file can store various information, from visited pages to data voluntarily provided to the site.

Some functions of the Pronave Group website use cookies to enable interactivity, such as when contacting us via email, subscribing to newsletters, or commenting. In these actions, personal or user data is collected through “cookies” to personalize future accesses based on your choices.

Cookies are generally deleted from the system when you leave the site, but in some cases, these identification files may remain to remember your preferences when you access the site again.

When you leave a comment on the site, you may choose to save your name, email, and website in cookies. This is for your convenience, so you won’t have to fill in your details again when making another comment. These cookies last for one year.

In some cases, we may also use reliable cookies provided by third parties, such as:

Google Analytics: One of the most reliable navigation analysis solutions to understand how you use the site and how we can improve it. They can monitor how long you browse the Pronave Group site and which pages you visit, helping us make content more attractive and make improvements to the structure.

Google Ads: Using data tracked by Google Analytics, Google’s advertising tool can use this data to display more relevant ads to you.

We may also use social media buttons and/or plugins that allow you to connect with your social networks in various ways. For these to work, social media sites (such as Facebook, Twitter, among others) must include cookies through our site.”


Your personal data will not be transferred, sold, rented, or disclosed in any way not described in this Privacy Policy. With your consent, you agree that we may share your data with business partners, such as:

Third parties providing services related to our operations (e.g., those providing cloud storage technology solutions, big data consulting, marketing agencies, and consulting for business and data statistics analysis).
The Pronave Group always evaluates the technological infrastructure of its suppliers, always seeking evidence and contractual bases that safeguard the security and confidentiality of its customers’ information.
Public bodies, regulatory agencies, autarchies, or even notaries due to applicable law or regulation.
Your data may be stored outside of Brazil on servers dedicated to data storage.

According to national legislation, this constitutes an “International Data Transfer,” so by agreeing to this Privacy Policy, you also understand and consent to this transfer. We only transfer your personal data to countries or international organizations that provide a level of protection similar to that provided by Brazilian law or to companies that contractually commit to adopting a level of protection similar to that provided by Brazilian law.


The Pronave Group invests in resources to protect your personal data from malicious or unauthorized third parties. We adopt appropriate security measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction of data.

These measures include internal analyses of our data collection, storage, and processing practices, staff training, confidentiality agreements, transparency through appropriate practices and policies, communication channels available to any data subject, access permission structure to systems and information, and system audit resources. In the event of a security incident that may imply a relevant risk or damage to the data subject, the Pronave Group will notify the data subject with information about the nature of the affected personal data, a description of the risks, and appropriate or adopted measures to reverse or mitigate any damages.

Once the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) is established, it will also be notified in accordance with current legislation. For this purpose, a “security incident” is understood as a significant security breach resulting in unauthorized access, or accidental situations resulting in loss, alteration, disclosure/communication, or inappropriate or illegal treatment.


The personal data indicated above will be kept in our system for as long as necessary to fulfill the described purposes, as long as there is a contractual relationship between the Pronave Group and the data subject or customer.

After the termination of this relationship, they will be kept for the time necessary to fulfill legal obligations or exercise rights. Once the purpose of processing personal data is fulfilled, the information will be returned to the legal entity’s responsible party, discarded, or anonymized.

When you access your account on the site, we also create various cookies to save your account data and display preferences. Login cookies are kept for two days, and screen option cookies for one year. If you select “Remember me,” your access will be kept for two weeks. If you log out of your account, login cookies will be removed.


Brazilian law guarantees a series of rights regarding your personal data, and you can exercise them by contacting our customer service channel (chapter 8). Below are your main rights related to your personal data:

Obtain information about the existence and form of processing of your personal data.
Correct incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated data.

Obtain information about public and private entities with whom the Pronave Group shares your data.
Request anonymization, blocking, or deletion of personal data that is unnecessary, excessive, or being processed in violation of current legislation.

Be informed about the possibility of not providing consent for the processing of your data and be informed of the consequences of such refusal.

Revoke consent at any time.

Request the deletion of your personal data that has been processed based on consent given by you previously.
Data portability to another service provider.


The Pronave Group is at your disposal to discuss any questions, comments, complaints, or requests regarding the collection or processing of personal data by the company, or about this Privacy Policy – please contact: pronave@pronave.com.br.

You also have the right to contact the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD), responsible for ensuring respect for the rights of data subjects in Brazil, through the email address anpd@anpd.gov.br or the website at: https://www.gov.br/anpd/en-us/contact-info


This policy may be updated, and any updates will be duly communicated through the usual communication channels. It is essential for the data subject to be aware (and interact when requested) of any communication related to the Pronave Group Privacy Policy.”


Ensure logistical excellence, competitiveness, sustainability and innovation, offering differentiated solutions to customers and investing in equipment and qualified labor, aiming at safety and preserving the environment.


Establish itself as a national reference within the logistics chain and expand its business, aiming at pioneering, innovation and proactivity in the proposed solutions.


  • Ethics, respect and honesty.
  • Committed team, with ownership attitude.
  • Personnel training and development.
  • Quality.
  • Competitiveness.
  • Valuing life, people and the environment.
  • Humility.
  • Innovation.
  • Continuous improvement


  • Periodic maintenance of equipment and renewal of fleets.
  • Monitoring atmospheric emissions.
  • Selective waste collection.
  • Training and environmental awareness.
  • Support for environment week held by local authorities.
  • Conservation and cleaning of our environments.
    Pest control.

Contact us

(12) 3892-1499

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São Sebastião

Rua Vitorino Gonçalves dos Santos, 168, Sala 4, Centro, São Sebastião - SP


Rua Monte Azul, 515, Chácaras Reunidas, São José dos Campos-SP
CEP: 12238-350

© 2024. Grupo Pronave ®. All rights reserved

"I am the way, the truth, and the life." João 14:6

Developed by:

“I am the way, the truth, and the life.” João 14:6

“Eu sou o caminho, a verdade e a vida.” João 14:6

“Eu sou o caminho, a verdade e a vida.” João 14:6

“I am the way, the truth, and the life.” João 14:6

“I am the way, the truth, and the life.” João 14:6

Nosso site utiliza cookies essenciais e tecnologias semelhantes de acordo com a nossa Política de Privacidade e, ao continuar navegando, você concorda com estas condições.

“Eu sou o caminho, a verdade e a vida.” João 14:6